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Governance Document of The University Of Massachusetts Worcester

Article IV: Governance Structure

A.    Chancellor

1.      Activities

As the chief academic and executive officer of UMW (Doc. T73-098, as amended), the Chancellor, in accordance with University Policy and this document, is responsible to the President for administering all aspects of the UMW campus.

2.      Appointment

The University’s Trustees will appoint the Chancellor in accordance with Board of Trustee Statement on University Governance (Doc.T73-098, as amended).  Appointment of the Chancellor shall also be done in accord with the Amended and Restated Definitive Agreement dated March 31, 1998, and as may be amended.

3.      Review and Evaluation

The President shall conduct a review and evaluation of the Chancellor in accordance with University Guidelines on the Review and Evaluation of Senior Administrators (Doc. T93-080 as amended).

B.     Provost

1.      Activities

The Provost, upon authority delegated by the Chancellor, shall be responsible for the oversight of the UMW academic enterprise by shaping the intellectual life of the campus, most specifically through decisions affecting the quality of the faculty, the promotion of academic values and standards, and the adaptation of the campus to changing needs (University Guidelines on the Review and Evaluation of Senior Administrators, Doc. T93-080 as amended).  He/she shall further have the responsibility to inform, seek advice from, and represent the interests of the UMW faculty, students and Deans.  He/she shall have the authority to delegate management and governance of each of the Schools to the respective Deans.  Consistent with the University’s Board of Trustees Statement of University Governance (Doc. T73-098, as amended), he/she shall advise the Chancellor on the appointment of the Deans. The Provost will appoint the Vice Provost(s) and other academic and non-academic staff to support the academic mission upon delegation by the Chancellor.

2.      Appointment

The Chancellor will appoint the Provost in accordance with Board of Trustee Statement on University Governance (Doc. T73-098, as amended).  Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the Chancellor may appoint an individual as interim Provost as needed and until such time as the vacancy is filled.  Further, the Chancellor may appoint an individual as acting Provost in the event of a leave of absence or sabbatical.

3.      Review and Evaluation

The Chancellor shall conduct a review and evaluation of the Provost in accordance with University Guidelines on the Review and Evaluation of Senior Administrators (Doc. T93-080, as amended).

C.    Deans

1.      Activities

Each Dean, upon authority delegated by the Provost, shall be responsible for the operation of a School, both with regard to internal organization and its relationship with the campus as a whole, and for maintaining standards of excellence in each of the mission areas, as appropriate. He/she shall further have the responsibility to inform, seek advice from, and represent the interests of the School’s faculty.

It shall remain the prerogative of the School under the leadership of each Dean to establish and maintain standard operating procedures consistent with the provisions of this document and University Trustee policies.

2.      Appointment

The Chancellor will appoint the Dean in accordance with Board of Trustee Statement on University Governance (Doc. T73-098, as amended).  Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the Chancellor may appoint an individual as interim Dean until such time as the vacancy is filled.  Further, the Chancellor may appoint an individual as acting Dean in the event of a leave of absence or sabbatical.

3.      Review and Evaluation

The Chancellor shall conduct a review and evaluation of each Dean in accordance with University Guidelines on the Review and Evaluation of Senior Administrators (Doc. T93-080, as amended).  The Chancellor may at his/her discretion delegate the authority for evaluating each Dean to the Provost.

D.    Department Chairs

1.      Activities

Each Chair, upon authority delegated by the Dean, shall be responsible for the operation of a Department both with regard to its internal organization and its relationship with the School, and for maintaining standards of excellence in each of the mission areas, as appropriate.   He/she shall further have the responsibility to inform, seek advice from, and represent the interests of the departmental faculty.  The Chair, following the processes found in the appropriate school’s Academic Personnel Policy or bylaws, shall determine appropriate academic affiliations within their Department and contributions to the educational programs, as well as make recommendations on faculty appointments and academic advancement via promotion and/or tenure.

2.      Appointment

Selection and replacement of Chairs will occur as described in the respective bylaws for the Schools with Departments.

3.      Review and Evaluation

The Dean of the School shall conduct a review and evaluation of each Chair within their School as described in the respective bylaws for the Schools with Departments.

E.     Program Directors

1.      Activities

Each Director, upon authority delegated by the Dean, shall be responsible for the operation of a Program both with regard to its internal organization and its relationship with Departments and the School, and for maintaining standards of excellence in each of the mission areas, as appropriate.   He/she shall further have the responsibility to inform, seek advice from, and represent the interests of the Faculty within the Program.  The Director will consult with the Dean and Department Chairs to determine an appropriate academic affiliation for faculty appointments, contributions to the educational programs, and in the process for academic advancement via promotion and/or tenure.

2.      Appointment

Selection and replacement of Directors will occur as described in the respective bylaws for the Schools with Programs.

3.      Review and Evaluation

The Dean of the School shall conduct a review and evaluation of each Director within their School as described in the respective bylaws for the Schools with Programs.

F.     Center and Institute Directors

1.      Activities

The Director, upon authority delegated by the Dean, shall be responsible for the operation of the Center or Institute both with regard to its internal organization and its relationship with the Schools as a whole, and for maintaining standards of excellence in each of the mission areas, as appropriate. He/she shall further have the responsibility to inform, seek advice from, and represent the interests of the faculty within the Center or Institute.  The Director will consult with Deans and Department Chairs to determine an appropriate academic affiliation for faculty appointments, contributions to the educational programs, and in the process for academic advancement via promotion and/or tenure

2.      Appointment

Selection and appointment of Center and Institute Directors shall be in accord with University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees Policy on Centers and Institutes (Doc. T96-096, as amended).   Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the Dean and Provost may appoint an individual as interim Director until such time as the vacancy is filled.  Further, the Dean and Provost may appoint an individual as acting director in the event of a leave of absence or sabbatical.

3.      Review and Evaluation

Consistent with University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees Policy on Centers and Institutes (Doc. T96-096, as amended), the Dean of the School and the Provost shall conduct a review and evaluation of each Director within their School.  Such a review and evaluation shall be conducted every five (5) years.  

G.    The Faculty

1.      Activities

The Faculty, upon authority delegated by the Chair or Dean, shall be responsible for performing Academic Activities.  The Faculty may initiate recommendations, and shall be consulted on matters related to learning and teaching, includingcurriculum, subject matter and methods of instruction, research, admissions, libraries, and other aspects of campus life which directly relate to the educational process, and making recommendations concerning faculty appointments, reappointments, promotions, and tenure.  Acceptance of appointment to the faculty obligates faculty members to assume a share of responsibility for governance of UMW and to provide service related to that governance. The Faculty, through the Governing Bodies and Representative Bodies, participate in the policy and decision making processes that affect UMW campus and its schools.  When appropriate, the Faculty, through the Governing Bodies, Representative Bodies and Standing Committees, contribute to long range planning, preparation of budget requests and the allocation of available resources.

2.      Membership

The Faculty shall include all persons with academic appointments in the SOM, GSN, GSBS, and such other schools as may be developed.

3.      Meetings

Meetings of the Faculty may occur from time-to-time to discuss any matter pertaining to UMW.  Such meetings may be called at any time by the University President, Chancellor, Provost, Dean of any School, Chair of the Faculty Council, Chair of the Executive Council or, upon petition, by any 20 members of the faculty or by 50 students of any one School.

  1. All faculty members shall receive written notification of the time, place, and agenda of all faculty meetings from the Secretary of the Faculty Council at least fourteen (14) working days in advance thereof.
  2. The Rules Committee of the Faculty Council shall prepare the agenda, which shall include the items submitted by those calling the meeting.  Only those items on the agenda may be discussed and voted on.
  3. The Chair of the Faculty Council shall preside.
  4. Resolutions for consideration arising out of such faculty meetings shall require a majority vote of those present at the meeting and only the “Faculty-at-large” are eligible to vote.  Any such approved resolutions may be forwarded either:
    1. to the Faculty Council and Executive Council for additional consideration consistent with this Document; or
    2. directly to the Faculty-at-large for a vote administered by the Office of Faculty Affairs.  Only those resolutions that receive a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) favorable vote of the Faculty-at-large shall be forwarded to the Chancellor for review and consideration.
  5. In the event of an “emergency” – as determined in the sole and exclusive discretion by a majority vote of a meeting of the University President, Chancellor, Provost and Chairs of the Executive and Faculty Councils – the written notification of such a special meeting to all faculty members shall be within three (3) working days.
4.      Review and Evaluation

The Chair, Director or Dean (in schools without Departments) shall conduct an annual review and evaluation of each faculty member within their respective unit.