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Welcome to UMCCTS

     We provide core resources, services and funding to the UMass research community in order to accelerate the development of new products and approaches that improve health.

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Congratulations to the Summer 2022 Pilot Project Program (PPP) Award Winners! 

The UMass Center for Clinical & Translational Science (UMCCTS) is pleased to announce the 2022 Pilot Projects Program (PPP) awardees.  The goal of the PPP program is to accelerate the translation of basic discoveries into practical, cost-effective solutions that improve human health.  This competitive award grants PPP project teams up to $50,000 for 1 year to accelerate the translation of innovative discoveries. 

The University of Massachusetts Center for Clinical and Translational Science (UMCCTS) aims to develop and support the next generation of leaders in clinical and translational science with special emphasis on supporting diversity candidates and those looking to re-enter the field.  Therefore, we are requesting expressions of interest from individuals wishing to apply for a NCATS/NIH Diversity or Re-Entry Supplements.     

Purpose: Diversity supplements aim to enhance the diversity of the biomedical research workforce by providing support for mentored research experiences for candidates from underrepresented groups.

Purpose: Re-entry supplements provide support for a mentored research experience for high-potential individuals seeking to re-enter active research careers after an interruption for family responsibilities or other qualifying circumstances. 


The University of Massachusetts Center for Clinical and Translational Science (UMCCTS) aims to develop and support the next generation of leaders in clinical and translational research.  The TL1 program provides post- doctoral trainees with an overview of clinical and translational research.  The trainees benefit from the training programs, equipment, databases, mentors, administrative support, and pilot funding opportunities available here at UMass.


We cordially invite you to attend the UMass Chan 27th Annual Research Retreat, November 3-4, 2022.  The retreat is tentatively scheduled for the UMass Amherst Conference Center and will feature talks from new UMass Chan faculty as well as a poster session.  More details regarding the agenda will follow shortly.

Registration for the UMass Chan 27th Annual Research Retreat and Poster Session will be posted as we get closer to the event.